Women, Gender, and Families of Color
Women, Gender, and Families of Color (WGFC) is a multidisciplinary journal that centers on the study of Black, Latina, Indigenous, and Asian American women, gender, and families. Within this framework, the journal encourages theoretical and empirical research from history, the social and behavioral sciences, and humanities, including comparative and transnational research, and analyses of domestic social, political, economic, and cultural policies and practices within the United States.
Brepols, Ethnic Diversity Source, Gale Academic OneFile, Gale in Context: College, Gale in Context: Elementary, Gale in Context: Environmental Studies, Gale in Context: Global Issues, Gale in Context: High School, Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Gale Literature: Book Review Index, Gale OneFile: Diversity Studies, Gale OneFile: Gender Studies, InfoTrac Custom, LGBTQ+ Life, LGBTQ+ Source, MLA International Bibliography, Scopus, Student Resources in Context, Women's Studies International
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Ayesha Hardison, University of Kansas
Jennifer Hamer, Penn State University
347 Willard Building
University Park, PA 16802
Assistant Editor
Suleyman Bolukbas
Editorial Board Chair
Cécile Accilien
Editorial Board
- Armon Perry, University of Louisville, 2012 - current
- Assata Zerai, University of New Mexico, 2012 - current
- Brenda Stevenson, University of California, Los Angeles, 2012 - current
- Carmen Lugo-Lugo, Washington State University, 2014 - current
- Dongbin Kim, Michigan State University, 2014 - current
- Francille Wilson, University of Southern California, 2012 - current
- Fred Bonner, Prairie View A&M University, 2014 - current
- Giselle Anatol, University of Kansas, 2014 - current
- Hayward D. Horton, University at Albany, SUNY, 2012 - current
- Idethia Shevon Harvey, University of Connecticut, 2012 - current
- Juan Battle, Graduate Center, CUNY, 2012 - current
- Luz-Maria Gordillo, Washington State University Vancouver, 2014 - current
- Lynet Uttal, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2012 - current
- Manisha Desai, University of Connecticut, 2012 - current
- Psyche Williams-Forson, University of Maryland, 2014 - current
- Sharon Harley, University of Maryland, 2012 - current
- Sarah Deer, University of Kansas, 2020 - current
- Stephanie Fitzgerald, Arizona State University, 2014 - current
- Venetria Patton, University of Illinois, 2014 - current
- Xiaojian Zhao, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2012 - current
PDF Policy
PDFs are permitted and issued for the following:
- Tenure dossier.
- Special workshops the author is moderating.
- Other requests to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- All PDFs will include a statement of copyright and a provision that the articles will not be photocopied, distributed, or used for purposes other than the terms agreed to by UIP.
- University repositories; UIP requires a publication statement to be posted along with the preprint.
- Some journals have their own established policies and procedures for preprints. Please be sure to first check their respective Web sites before sending your request.
- Non-profit archives and repositories; Articles must be at least one year old. UIP requires a publication statement to be posted along with the postprint and a link back to the journal of publication's home page on the UIP website.
- Personal and commercial Web sites; Articles must be at least three years old. UIP requires a publication statement to be posted along with the postprint and a link back to the journal of publication's home page on the UIP website.
Please send all requests to:
Angela Burton
Intellectual Property Manager
Women, Gender, and Families of Color
WGFC practices a blind-review and anonymous editorial process. Authors should submit any manuscript(s) for consideration electronically via the WGFC submission link below. If you must make a submission via the mail, please include a single hard copy and a disc containing an electronic version of the manuscript. All self-citations should be removed from manuscripts. Papers should not exceed 30 pages, including notes, tables, and references. Text should be double-spaced. Do not embed tables and illustrations within the manuscript text; please place a call-out within the text to indicate placement and place tables and/or illustrations at the end of the manuscript. Previously published work or work currently under consideration elsewhere will not be considered. Manuscript(s) should include a cover page stating author's name(s), institutional affiliation(s), a telephone and fax number, and an e-mail address. An abstract and brief bio should also be submitted with all manuscripts. WGFC follows the guidelines of the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition and all manuscripts should be written in this style. Any manuscripts not written in the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition will not be considered for review or publication. Manuscripts and discs will not be returned.
WGFC uses a combination of endnotes and a bibliography (titled "References"). Endnotes should be used for discursive material and to expand discussions. Author-date parenthetical references should be used for in-text references (e.g., Pough 2002, 2003; Wilson 1996, 2001, 2005), and a references list should include all sources cited in the article. Since WGFC uses the author-date notation system, multiple works by the same author should be arranged chronologically, not alphabetically, in the bibliography. Please refer to previous issues of WGFC for examples.
Submissions are initially reviewed by the journal editor(s) to determine whether it meets the scope and quality required to be examined by our reviewers. All articles are then sent to at least two (2) reviewers. Reviews are blind, meaning that the reviewers will not know who the author(s) submitting the article are. After an initial review, articles will be placed into four categories: 1) ACCEPT with minor revisions; 2) ENCOURAGE REVISION - the paper needs modifications, but has strengths; 3) PERMIT REVISIONS - the paper has strong potential, but is underdeveloped, and 4) DECLINE. Almost every article accepted for publication by WGFC will need additional modifications per the reviewer's remarks. After these remarks are addressed by the author(s), the submission is returned to WGFC. After the submission has been copyedited and formatted by our copyeditor, it is sent to the author(s) and WGFC for final approval (prior to publication online). WGFC reserves the right to make minor edits to submissions during the post-review process.
The WGFC editors invite you to try out our new electronic manuscript submission system. This secure, personalized resource will allow you to track your manuscript through each step of the acceptance and production process. To begin, click below to set up your personal account and upload your submission. These will be reviewed as soon as possible. Thank you for considering WGFC.
Peer Review Policy
WGFC practices a blind-review and anonymous editorial process. The process involves two steps: (1) internal desk review to determine if the manuscript is ready for the second step, and (2) external peer review by an appropriate scholar expert in the field.
Facilitate a Quicker Review of Your Submission
A timely review of your manuscript is important to us. However, journal editors are increasingly finding it difficult to identify reviewers for manuscript submissions, and the editorial review process is often delayed. You can help expedite the process by providing a list of suggested potential reviewers from which we may select to offer comment on your submission. Please follow the guidelines for submitting the names of potential reviewers below. Thanks for adding this new and critical addition to your submission.
Guidelines for submitting a list of potential reviewers
- Provide up to 6 names of scholarly experts in your field (preferably associate professor or above)
- Include current e-mail contact for each scholar, if known
- Upload the list of reviewers as a separate document titled “YOUR SURNAME_REVIEWERS.DOC” (ex: MURRAY_REVIEWERS.DOC)
Featured Articles
All You Have to Do Is “ASK”: An Indigenous Approach to Holistic Wellness in Academia
Devon S. Isaacs, Erica Ficklin, Sallie A. Mack, Racheal Killgore, Tammie Ellington and Melissa Tehee
Surviving Departmental Toxicity: An Autoethnographic Reflection of Navigating Gendered and Racialized Violence in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management
Frances Roberts-Gregory
From Invisibilized to Conocimiento: When Injustices Happen by and with “Our Own”
Bianca N. Haro
Black Skin in White Spaces
Kinyel Ragland
On Pursuing Scholarship That Makes Me Whole: Reflections of an Asian Woman Critical Feminist Scholar of Education
Yoon Ha Choi
Leveraging A Critical Consciousness to Thrive in Graduate School
Naseeb Kaur Bhangal
Decolonizing the Classroom: International GTAs and Reclaiming Authority
Ayah Wakkad
Let's Talk about Race: Black Doctoral Students' Reflections on Teaching Majority White Preservice Teachers
Kelly K. Ivy and Tarik Buli
An Indian Woman's Journey through the Academy in America
Debasmita Roychowdhury
The First (White-Assumed) Black Woman President: Five Years of Development through On-Campus Leadership
Haley Pilgrim
Reclaiming Space: The Narratives of Female Doctoral Students of Color
Angelica Ruvalcaba, Madeline Nash, Jennifer Lai and Jihan Mohammed
“Fugitive” Futures: Reflections on Decolonizing Knowledge Production through a Student Collective and Organizing a National Conference
Amrita Mishra
Phoenix Rising: The Whirlwind Story of Success While at the Poles
Richard Williams
Reflections on Academic Guilt and Family Responsibilities
Kim-Phuong Truong-Vu
Putting Me First: Navigating Mental Health Challenges as a Black Woman Graduate Student
Taylor M. Jackson
Navigating Graduate School and Surviving Life as a Mother–Scholar
Patricia Jaimes
Mothering Graduate Students of Color Reflect on Lessons Lived and Learned in the Academy
Marielisbet Perez and Francena Turner
Sleepless in School: A First-Generation Doctoral Student Mother of Color's Journey
Cindy N. Phu
Labor Organizer Nannie Helen Burroughs and Her National Training School for Women and Girls
Danielle Taylor Phillips-Cunningham; Veronica Popp
“She's Been Doing Everything Right”: Mothers of Color and Economic Violence
Heather Montes Ireland
Erased by Respectability: The Intersections of AIDS, Race, and Gender in Black America
Aishah Scott
Introduction Quotidian Futures: Black Queer Subjectivity
Belinda Deneen Wallace and Tanya L. Shields
“I Am a Lesbian”: Black Queer Subjectivities in The Watermelon Woman and Pariah
Stephanie Andrea Allen
Rendering Black Queer Operations: Technologies for Knowing, Being, and Living in Dirty Computer
Jordan Victorian
Asian/Asian American Higher Education Practitioners during rising Anti-Asian Violence and COVID-19 Global Pandemic
Pamela K. Sari; Monica M. Trieu; Casiana A.J. Warfield
Trauma and the Formation of Radical Black Girl Subjectivity in Nalo Hopkinson's Midnight Robber
Aria S. Halliday
“It Ain't Enough”: Toni Morrison and the Tragic Dark-Skin Girl Motif
David Ikard; La-Toya Scott
Postcolonial Black Motherhood: Dismantling Controlling Images in Jesmyn Ward's Bois Sauvage Novels
Luis Paganelli Marín
Epistemic Adultification: Clarifying the Pernicious Work of Black Girls as “Prematurely Knowing”
Ayanna De'Vante Spencer