Journal of Education Finance
The Journal of Education Finance is recognized as one of the leading journals in the field of funding public schools. Each issue brings original research and analysis on issues such as education reform, judicial intervention in finance, school/social agency linkages, tax limitation measures, and factors influencing teacher salaries.

Higher Education Abstracts (Online), ArticleFirst, Australian Education Index (Online), Biography Index: Past and Present (H.W. Wilson), Book Review Digest Plus (H.W. Wilson), Business Economics and Theory Current Abstracts, Current Abstracts, EconLit, Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson), Education Index (Online), Education Index Retrospective: 1929-1983, Education Research Complete, Education Research Index, Education Source, Educational Administration Abstracts, Educational Research Abstracts Online, Emerging Sources Citation Index, ERIC, Gale Academic OneFile, Gale General OneFile, Gale Literature: Book Review Index, Gale OneFile: Business, Gale Onefile: Economics and Theory, Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete, Gale OneFile: High School Edition, Gale OneFile: LegalTrac, Higher Education Abstracts (Online), InfoTrac Custom, OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson), OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson), Periodicals Index Online, Scopus, TOC Premier, Web of Science
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Kern Alexander
Journal of Education Finance
406 W. Florida Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
ph. 217-344-0237
fax 217-344-6963
Journal of Education Finance
Send all submissions to the Editor:
Kern Alexander
Journal of Education Finance
406 W. Florida Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
ph. 217-344-0237
fax 217-344-6963
Scope of Journal
The Journal of Education Finance is a blind review scholarly journal committed to the dissemination of knowledge in the field of education finance. The Journal of Education Finance is published quarterly: summer, fall, winter, and spring.
Editorial Style
The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS), 16th ed.
Number of copies to be submitted
Email is the preferred method of submission (see Technical and Stylistic Requirements).
Author’s responsibilities
If the manuscript is accepted for publication, all graphs and illustrative materials must be provided in camera-ready form by the author. Specifications will be sent to the author upon acceptance.
Please note the following regarding footnotes and references:
Footnotes detail issues that require further explanation. Footnotes should always be used for legal references, such as citing a court case or legal finding.
Footnotes are preferred for all references over both endnotes and text citations, but references in the text are now accepted (see CMS,16thed, p.677). If this option is chosen, references should not be mixed between text citations, i.e., (Alexander, K., 2004, p.11) and similar references in footnotes. Consistency is paramount.
All manuscripts should include a reference list (not a bibliography).
CMS is the Journal’s standard for style, formatting, and any other presentation of text, drawing, chart, graph, etc.
Abstracting Information
The Journal of Education Finance is abstracted in Academic OneFile, Article First, Australian Education Index (Online), Biography Index, Book Review Digest Plus, Current Abstracts, EconLit, Education Abstracts, Education Full Text, Education Index, Education Index Retrospective, Education Research Complete, Education Research Index, Educational Administration Abstracts, Educational Management Abstracts (Online), Educational Research Abstracts Online, Educator's Reference Complete, Electronic Collections Online, ERIC, General OneFile, InfoTrac Custom, LegalTrac, Scopus, Sociology of Education Abstracts (Online), TOC Premier, Wilson OmniFile: Full Text Mega Edition, an Wilson OmniFile: Full Text Select.
Editorial Procedures
Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Education Finance are processed as follows. Upon receipt, the manuscript is initially reviewed by the staff. If the manuscript does not fall within the scope of the Journal or is not formatted according to CMS, 16th ed., it will be returned to the author.
If a manuscript is in accord with the guidelines, an email acknowledgment is sent to the author. All references to the author’s name and affiliation are removed and the manuscript is submitted for review to two or more members of the Editorial Advisory Board. With the advice of the reviewers, the Editor will make one of four decisions: accept, accept contingent on revision, revise and resubmit, or reject. In the case of conditional acceptance, the Editor will specify the necessary revisions in writing to the author. In the case of a request for revision and resubmission, the Editor will suggest or specify revisions in writing to the author. Upon resubmission, the manuscript will be treated as a new manuscript and will be submitted to the same blind review as the initial process.
Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Education Finance cannot be under consideration for publication by other journals. If a paper has been presented at a meeting or conference, the author should state where and when the paper was presented. After acceptance, a manuscript or any portion of a paper may not be published elsewhere without written approval from the Editor of the Journal of Education Finance.
If a manuscript is accepted, the author will be notified and given an indication of the volume and issue in which it will be published. At this time, the author must submit a copy of the manuscript in electronic form, preferably in Microsoft Word (6.0 or higher). Any Tables or Figures contained in the manuscript must be provided by the author in writeable Microsoft Excel format and NOT imbedded within the text. All text elements included in graphs or other illustrative materials should be in 9 pt. Times Roman font. Tables should be provided separately.
The staff of the Journal of Education Finance agrees to process manuscripts promptly. In most cases, an editorial decision may be expected eight to 10 weeks after submission.
Technical and Stylistic Requirements
Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Education Finance must be grammatically correct and stylistically consistent. See The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed., for scientific and statistical works required style.
JEF prefers that manuscripts submitted for review be in Word format with no author reference in the file. Submit a separate file with title page, author names, and contact information in Word format. Final manuscripts should be in one file in Word format.
Copy should be double-spaced with margins of 1" at top, bottom, and both sides. The manuscript should contain an abstract, introduction, and conclusion. The reference list must be complete and consistent with in-text callouts. See CMS for guidelines. There should be no hyphenated words on line endings; no printed borders; and no numbered line indicators on the left margin. Clearly indicate heading levels throughout manuscript. Tables and graphs should be kept to a maximum of five.
The title page should be a separate document and contain the following: title of the paper; the author’s(s’) full name; institutional affiliation and position, telephone number, and e-mail address; statement of place and date of previous oral presentation of the paper, if any; and a disclaimer statement, if applicable. All correspondence and contact during the review and production processes will be addressed to the first author listed. The Journal of Education Finance does not publish statements of acknowledgment to colleagues who assisted in the preparation of the manuscript.
The title of the manuscript should appear at the top of the first page. The name of the author should not appear on the first page or on any subsequent pages.
Electronic submissions are accepted via email or on disk along with graphics or illustrations (see above for acceptable file formats). Email submissions must conform to all stylistic and other requirements listed above.
The Editorial Staff and Board welcome any inquiries concerning the policies and processes of the Journal of Education Finance.
Featured Articles
The External Social Benefits of Higher Education: Introduction to This Special Issue
Walter W. McMahon, Jennifer A. Delaney
The External Social and Economic Benefits of Higher Education: Empirical Evidence from Worldwide Data
Katarina R. I. Keller
The External Social Benefits of Higher Education: Theory, Evidence, and Policy Implications
Walter W. McMahon
The Social Benefits of Widening Participation in Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
Moses Oketch
The Effect of Higher Education on Youth Unemployment in European Regions During a Period of Economic Instability
Kristinn Hermannsson, Rosario Scandurra, Marcello Graziano
Mass Higher Education and its Civic Impacts in Portugal and Spain
Pedro Teixeira, Carla Sá, João Cerejeira, Hugo Figueiredo, Miguel Portela
Do Civic Returns to Higher Education Differ Across Subpopulations? An Analysis Using Propensity Forests
Benjamin T. Skinner, William R. Doyle
Modeling Volatility in Public Funding for Higher Education: An Analysis Using Propensity Forests
William R. Doyle, Amberly B. Dziesinski, Jennifer A. Delaney