Journal of Animal Ethics
The Journal of Animal Ethics is devoted to the exploration of progressive thought about animals. It is multidisciplinary in nature and international in scope. It covers theoretical and applied aspects of animal ethics—of interest to academics from the humanities and the sciences, as well as professionals working in the field of animal protection.
The Journal is published by the University of Illinois Press in partnership with the Ferrater Mora Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics.The aim of the Centre is to pioneer ethical perspectives on animals through academic research, teaching, and publication.

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Andrew Linzey, Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics
Clair Linzey, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University
91 Iffley Road,
Oxford, OX41EG, UK
Consultant Editors
- Aysha Akhtar, Center for Contemporary Sciences
- Jarrod Bailey, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
- Boris Bakota, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek, Croatia
- Ara Paul Barsam, Arizona State University
- Alan W. Bates, University College, London
- Mark H. Bernstein, Purdue University
- Sarah M. Bexell, University of Denver
- Sidney Blankenship, Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics
- Gieri Bolliger, Stiftung für das Tier im Recht, Switzerland
- Karen Bradshaw, Arizona State University
- Idan Breier, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
- Cini Bretzlaff-Holstein, Trinity Christian College
- Susan Bubbers, Center for Anglican Theology, Orlando
- Eleanor Burt, University of St Andrews
- Margarita Carretero González, University of Granada
- David N. Cassuto, Pace Law School
- Jodey Castricano, University of British Columbia
- Mark Causey, Georgia College & State University
- Andrew Chignell, Princeton University
- Grace Clement, Salisbury University
- Kendra Coulter, Huron University College, Canada
- Alice Crary, New School for Social Research in New York
- Keri Cronin, Brock University
- Alice Di Concetto, European Institute for Animal Law & Policy
- Daniel A. Dombrowski, Seattle University
- Laura Donnellan, University of Limerick
- Chris Draper, Born Free Foundation
- John Drew, King’s University College, Canada
- Rainer Ebert, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- Mylan Engel Jr., Northern Illinois University
- David Favre, Michigan State College of Law
- Angela Fernandez, University of Toronto
- Amy Fitzgerald, University of Windsor, Canada
- Clifton P. Flynn, University of South Carolina Upstate
- Sophie Gaillard, Montreal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Robert Garner, University of Leicester
- Michael Gilmour, Providence University College
- Valéry Giroux, Centre for Research on Ethics, Quebec
- Chris Green, Harvard Law School
- Caroline Griffin, Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics
- Matthew C. Halteman, Calvin College
- Alastair Harden, Magdalen College School, Oxford
- Robyn Hederman, Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics
- James E. Helmer, Xavier University
- Kathy Hessler, George Washington University
- Kai Horsthemke, University of the Witwatersrand
- François Jaquet, Université de Strasbourg, France
- Linda Johnson, University of Michigan-Flint
- Shannon Johnstone, Meredith College
- Paul J. Kirbas, Graduate Theological Foundation
- Tal Kogman, Tel Aviv University, Israel
- Catharine E. Krebs, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
- Camille Labchuk, Animal Justice, Canada
- Jodi Lazare, Dalhousie University
- Chien-hui Li, National Cheng Kung University
- Randall Lockwood, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Daniel B. Lourenço, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
- Philip Lymbery, Compassion in World Farming
- Randy Malamud, Georgia State University
- Justin Marceau, University of Denver
- Lori Marino, Emory University
- Adrian Anthony McFarlan, International University of the Caribbean
- Steven McMullen, Hope College
- Les Mitchell, University of Fort Hare
- Kimberly Moore, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
- Carlos M. Naconecy, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
- Yamini Narayanan, Deakin University, Melbourne
- Christina Nellist, Pan-Orthodox Concern for Animals
- Nathan Nobis, Morehouse College
- Julie O’Connor, Touro University
- Maureen O’Sullivan, National University of Ireland, Galway
- Kay Peggs, Kingston University, London
- Martina Pluda, Humane Society International, Italy
- Pandora Pound, Safer Medicines Trust
- Kurt Remele, University of Graz
- David B. Rosengard, Animal Legal Defense Fund
- John Rossi, Drexel University School of Public Health
- Philip Sampson, Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics
- Edel Sanders, University of New York in Prague
- Joan Schaffner, George Washington University Law School
- Edward Sellner, St. Catherine University in St Paul
- Steven Shakespeare, Liverpool Hope University
- Mary J. Shariff, University of Manitoba, Canada
- Mikalah Singer, Center for Contemporary Sciences
- Barry Smart, University of Portsmouth
- Magdalena Smrdelj, Ontario SPCA and Humane Society
- Paola Sobbrio, Animal Law Italia
- Kristen Stilt, Harvard Law School
- Alison Stone, Lancaster University
- Michael Swistara, Animal Legal Defense Fund
- Lucille Claire Thibodeau, p.m., Rivier University
- David Thomas, Advocates for Animals
- Natalie Thomas, University of Guelph, Canada
- Akisha Townsend Eaton, Humane Society of the United States
- Joseph A. Tuminello III, McNeese State University
- Elizabeth Tyson, Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary
- Kenneth Valpey, Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies
- Thomas I. White, Loyola Marymount University
- Amy P. Wilson, Animal Law Reform South Africa
- Jan Zámečník, Charles University, Prague
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Advice for authors:
The Journal of Animal Ethics is a journal of inquiry, argument, and exchange dedicated to exploring the moral dimension of our relations with animals. The editors are therefore interested in receiving pioneering studies that relate to human interaction with animals, but all work must have an ethical focus or clearly demonstrate relevance to ethical issues.
Submissions should fall into one of these four categories:
1. Full length articles, normally of 3-5,000 words, though longer articles will be considered;
2. argument pieces, normally of 1-2,000 words, in which an author argues for a specific point of view, replies to a previously published article or review, or offers commentary in response to a topical issue;
3. review articles, normally 3,000 words based on a published work that merits particular consideration, and
4. book reviews, normally 1,000 words, and which are usually commissioned, though we welcome reviews of historical or classical works that merit further consideration.
Peer Review Policy:
All submissions must be clearly and elegantly written, and to a high standard. This is essential because we are seeking a multidisciplinary readership across the humanities and the sciences.
Technical terms must be explained and an English translation supplied for all non-English words used. The editors will not accept work, which while meritorious, is unnecessarily obtuse, verbose, or which over-utilizes technical language.
All submissions must be well-argued to a high level of philosophical sophistication. Authors must take care to offer well-crafted and reasoned pieces.
In addition to the normal policies against libelous and discriminatory language, all authors should avoid derogatory or colloquial language or nomenclature that denigrates animals (or humans by association), such as: beasts, brutes, bestial, beastly, dumb animals, sub-humans; companion animals should be used rather than pet animals, and free-living or free-ranging rather than (or in addition to) wild animals. An exception should be made in the quotation of texts, particularly historical writings. In addition, he or she should be utilized in relation to individual animals rather than it.
Publishers are invited to send relevant books for review to the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics (91 Iffley Road, Oxford OX4 1EG, England, UK). All books received will be listed under the Books Received section; such listing will not imply or preclude subsequent review.
The editors will not publish material that justifies or advocates illegality or violence.
The editors will not accept material sent via post. All submissions should arrive via email to Professor Andrew Linzey at director@oxfordanimalethics.com. Submissions should be sent as an attachment on Microsoft Word Windows.
All material submitted will be peer-reviewed in accordance with a two stage process: (i) review by the editors, and, if necessary, by (ii) editorial advisers. Our aim is to make decisions within a maximum period of 3 months.
The University of Illinois Press requires all authors to assign copyright. A consent form must be personally signed and forwarded to the Press. In addition, a copy of the letter of permission for the use of previously published material (e.g., long extracts, reproductions of figures) should be sent to editor during the submission process.
All authors must prepare their work in accordance with the style required. (For more information, see Style Guide below.)
Authors of full length articles are required to provide a concise abstract, of no more than 100 words, with key words for indexing. (See Style Guide below.)
All authors, even of shorter pieces, are required to provide a paragraph of biography comprising (in this order): full name, institutional affiliation(s), special qualifications or honors, up to three books published, areas of research, email address, e.g.
Andrew Linzey is Director of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, a member of the Faculty of Theology, University of Oxford; Honorary Research Fellow of St Stephen’s House, Oxford, and Honorary Professor, University of Winchester. Books include: Animal Theology (SCM Press, 1994); Animal Gospel (Westminster/John Knox Press, 1999) and Why Animal Suffering Matters (Oxford University Press, 2009). Research interests include: bioethics, environmental ethics, and animal ethics. director@oxfordanimalethics.com.
The Journal does not consider multiple submissions or articles that are under consideration by another journal.
Authors are welcome to discuss possible contributions with the editors. Enquiries should be sent to: director@oxfordanimalethics.com.
Style Guide
a. Authors should prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the APA Manual of Style (7th edition). For questions not addressed in the APA Manual, the Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition) should be consulted. All spelling, punctuation, and word usage should conform to American English, as presented in the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary (10th edition).
b. Article elements should be arranged as follows: title, author, affiliation, abstract, key words, body text, acknowledgments, references, tables.
c. Contact information (postal address, email address, and telephone) for the corresponding author should appear on the title page.
d. Figures should be presented in separate files at a resolution of at least 300 dpi, rendered in gray scale, and no less than 4 inches on a side.
e. Text citations should follow the form of author last name and year of publication, plus page number for quoted material. For instance:
• Smith (1975) states that . . .
• All beings capable of suffering are worthy of equal ethical consideration (Smith, 1975).
• All beings capable of suffering are worthy of “equal ethical consideration” (Smith, 1975, p. 28).
f. Citations should match references. Common reference forms include:
• Journal, single author: Johnson, J. (2008). Companion animals in the workplace. Animal Ethics Quarterly, 12, 10-25.
• Journal, multiple authors: Smith, J., Johnson, R., & Robert, P. (2008). Companion animals in the workplace. Animal Ethics Quarterly, 12, 125-138.
• Book, single author: Johnson, J. Companion animals in the workplace. New York: McGraw-Hill.
• Book, article in edited book: Johnson, J. Companion animals in the workplace. In J. Smith and P. Roberts (Eds.), Companion animals and domesticity (pp. 125-135). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Download Citations and References Guide (2021)
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