Journal of American Folklore
The Journal of American Folklore, the quarterly journal of the American Folklore Society since the Society's founding in 1888, publishes scholarly articles, notes, and commentaries directed to a wide professional audience. Other sections include those devoted to poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction on matters fundamental to the field; and reviews of books, exhibitions and events, films, sound recordings, and digital/online resources.
The contents of the Journal reflect a wide range of topics and points of view. As the flagship publication of the Society, the Journal reflects concerns of members in both academic and public spheres. Content is grounded in past and current folklore scholarship, and is based on recognized disciplinary methods. Articles present significant research findings and theoretical analyses from the disciplinary perspective of folklore. Notes are narrower in scope and focus on a single, often provocative, issue of definition, interpretation, or practice. Commentaries briefly address topics raised in earlier articles. Its contents are not restricted to folklore in the United States; the Journal publishes materials on folklore and from folklorists anywhere in the world.
Video clip from our The UPside podcast on the special issue on "Folklore Studies and Disability"
Academic ASAP, Academic Search Alumni Edition, Academic Search Complete, Academic Search Elite, Academic Search Premier, Academic Search Ultimate, Academic Source Premier, America: History & Life with Full Text, America: History and Life, Anthropological Literature (Online), Art & Architecture Complete, Art & Architecture Index, Art & Architecture Source, Art Abstracts (H.W. Wilson), Art Full Text (H. W. Wilson), Art Index (H.W. Wilson), Art Source Ultimate, Art, Design & Architecture Collection, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Database, Arts Premium Collection, Bibliography of Native North Americans, Book Review Digest Plus (H.W. Wilson), Brepols, Children's Core Collection, Core Collection en Espanol, Current Abstracts, Current Contents, Dietrich's Index Philosophicus, EBSCO, Fiction Core Collection, FRANCIS, Gale Academic OneFile, Gale Academic OneFile Select, Gale General OneFile, Gale Literature: Book Review Index, Gender Studies Database, Graphic Novels Core Collection, Historical Abstracts, Historical Abstracts (Online), Humanities Abstracts, Humanities Abstracts (H.W. Wilson), Humanities Full Text, Humanities Index (Online), Humanities International Complete, Humanities International Index, Humanities Source, Humanities Source Ultimate, IBZ - Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur, InfoTrac Custom, International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full Text, Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes - und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur, Linguistic Bibliography (Online), Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (Online), Middle and High School Core Collection (H.W. Wilson), MLA International Bibliography, Music & Performing Arts Collection, Music Periodicals Database, Nonfiction Core Collection (H.W. Wilson), OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson), OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson), Periodicals Index Online, Personal Alert (E-mail), Poetry & Short Story Reference Center, Professional ProQuest Central, ProQuest 5000, ProQuest Central, PubMed, Research Library, RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies, Scopus, Senior High School Core Collection (H.W. Wilson), SocINDEX, SocINDEX Full Text, The Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL), TOC Premier, Web of Science, Women's Studies Abstracts, Women's Studies International
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Editorial Board
Editorial Collective
Senior Managing Editor
Editorial Assistants
Book Review Editor
Digital Media Review Editor
Exhibits and Events Review Editor
Film and Video Review Editor
Music and Sound Recording Review Editor
Editorial Review Board
- Sarah Craycraft, Harvard University
- Ann K. Ferrell, Western Kentucky University
- Terry Gunnell, University of Iceland (emeritus)
- Rossina Zamora Liu, University of Maryland, College Park
- Mintzi Auanda Martínez-Rivera, The Ohio State University
- Phyllis M. May-Machunda, Independent Folklorist; Minnesota State University Moorhead (emerita)
- Selina Morales, Independent Folklorist
- Anand Prahlad, University of Missouri, Columbia; The Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopment
- Pravina Shukla, Indiana University
- Nevena Škrbić Alempijević, University of Zagreb
- Cory W. Thorne Gutiérrez, Memorial University
- Langston Collin Wilkins, University of Wisconsin–Madison
- Lijun Zhang, George Mason University
PDF Policy
Author Deposit Permissions Policy
Journal of American Folklore
In response to the evolving nature of scholarly exchange and communications, the American Folklore Society has established the following policy regarding authors’ deposit of their Journal of American Folklore (JAF) contributions (including articles, reviews, notes, etc.) in their institutional repositories. This policy replaces any previous AFS author deposit policy, so it also applies to materials already published in the JAF.
[These definitions are based on those on the SHERPA/RoMEO web site (www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeoinfo.html).]
This policy applies to pre-prints, post-prints, and the publisher’s version.
A pre-print is a work-in-process: a contribution not yet accepted, or perhaps even submitted, to the JAF, that you make available for comments and criticism from others.
A post-print is the version of your JAF contribution after peer review and acceptance for the Journal of American Folklore, with revisions having been made.
The publisher’s version is the PDF file of your contribution as it appears in the Journal of American Folklore.
AFS encourages authors to post pre-prints and post-prints of their JAF contributions in temporary locations, such as personal websites, until such time as the publisher’s version is available.
Authors may post publisher’s versions of their JAF contributions to the repository of their home institution as soon as those versions are available. When posting a publisher’s version, authors must include one of the following two notations:
For JAF contributions published before 2003:
Published as [provide the complete bibliographic citation as it appears in the print version of the Journal of American Folklore]. © [Year] by the American Folklore Society.
For JAF contributions published beginning in 2003:
Published as [provide the complete bibliographic citation as it appears in the print version of the Journal of American Folklore]. © [Year] by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
Please visit the American Folklore Society for the Journal of American Folklore submission guidelines.
When you are ready to submit, please click the button below to be taken to our online submission system.
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Featured Articles
Unfinished Stories: Problematizing Narrative Completion
Diane E. Goldstein
Refinishing the Story: Transforming Stories of Life into Life Stories
Tom Mould
Missing Finishes and Diminishing Heroes in Hurricane Katrina Survivor Stories
Carl Lindahl
Narrative Breakdown in the Political Asylum Process
Amy Shuman and Carol Bohmer
The Place Where Things Fall Apart: The World from Inside a Fragment
Diane E. Goldstein
Counter Memes and Anti-Legends in Online Welfare Discourse
Tom Mould (Free access through 1/31/2024)
Gender and Genre: Women's Performance Practices in Dersim
Aylin Demir
Gender and Legend in Rural Iceland in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Júlíana Th. Magnúsdóttir
“Urgencies” in the Field: Three Perspectives
Thomas Grant Richardson; Jon Kay; Maida Owens; Tim Frandy
Where Were/Are Asian American Folklorists?
Juwen Zhang
Strategic Skepticism: The Politics of Grassroots Participation in an Afro-Andean Nomination to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative List
Rodrigo Chocano
Repairing Tradition: Vernacular Knowledge, Cognitive Spaces, and Economies of Work in an Agricultural Repair Shop
John Laudun
Snow Woman Yukionna: From Spirit of Snow to Icy Hot Female
Noriko Tsunoda Reider
Conspiratorial Thinking among Russian Speakers in Estonia: From COVID-19 to the War in Ukraine
Anastasiya Astapova
Departures: Irish Emigration and Supernatural Belief Narratives
Timothy Corrigan Correll
Aurelio Macedonio Espinosa's “Great(er) Spain”: The Snares of Querencia and the Pitfalls of Cultural Nationalism and Fundamentalist Hispanismo
Enrique R. Lamadrid
A Cross-Boundary Dialogue in Need: Racial, Ethnic, or Folk Groups?
Juwen Zhang; Wanda G. Addison; Margaret Magat; Mark Y. Miyake; Raymond Summerville; Anthony Bak Buccitelli
In a Land of Venn Diagrams: Reflections on Anti-Fans and Counter Memes, Trolls and Anti-Legends
Whitney Phillips (Free access through 1/31/2024)
Memes and Representations of Race: An Analysis of Historical Representations of Welfare
Mia Moody-Ramirez (Free access through 1/31/2024)
Vaccine Hesitancy Counter Memes
Anastasiya Astapova (Free access through 1/31/2024)
Folklore and Cultural Heritage: Reflecting on Change
Valdimar Tr. Hafstein
“Won't You Help to Sing These Songs of Freedom?”: Sharing Authority, Co-curation, and Supporting Community-Driven Heritage Work
Diana Baird N'Diaye
Toward Sustainable Visits
Owe Ronström
Culinary Tourism as Public Folklore: Heritage in Negotiating Competitiveness and Sustainability
Lucy M. Long
Folklife, Heritage, and the Environment: A Critique of Natural Capital, Ecosystem Services, and Settler Ecology
Jeff Todd Titon
Anticipatory Heritage
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett
The Legend of the Naked Dead: Apparitions and Proper Burial in Latter-day Saint Folklore
Christopher James Blythe
Accenting Songs in an Afro-Brazilian Festival: Song Structures, Performance Styles, and Ludic Capital in the Bumba-meu-Boi of Maranhão
Jelani K. Mahiri
The Native Princess of Sri Lanka: The Thematic Metaphorical Approach in Symbolizing Characteristics of Folklore of Kuweni
Shashiprabha Thilakarathne; Sumith Gopura; Ayesha Wickramasinghe; Alice Payne
Woody Guthrie: Racial Transformation through the Framework of the “Long Civil Rights Movement”
Daniel L. Willett
Response Essay: Woody Guthrie: Racial Transformation through the Framework of the “Long Civil Rights Movement”
James Counts Early
American Folklore Studies and Disability: An Introduction
Anand Prahlad
Folklore, Disability, and Plain Language: The Problem of Consent
Amy Shuman and Olivia Caldeira
Folklore and Disability: An Important—and Too Often Overlooked—Factor in Global Health and International Development Efforts
Nora Ellen Groce
The Lost Cherokee
Gwendolyn Paradice
Living in the Nexus of Disability and Caregiving: An African American Parental Caregiver’s Critical Observations as a Folklorist
Phyllis M. May-Machunda
Roots, Rootlessness, and Uprooting: Personal, Ethnographic, and Folkloric Reflections on a Theme
Marilyn M. White
Re-fitting the Misfit
Eva Þórdís Ebenezersdóttir
DNA Identities: Narrative and Authority in Genetic Ancestry Performance on YouTube
Leah Lowthorp
Folklore Training for the Public Humanities: Podcasting
Kimberly Jenkins Marshall
OA Content
In a Land of Venn Diagrams: Reflections on Anti-Fans and Counter Memes, Trolls and Anti-Legends
Whitney Phillips (Free access through 1/31/2024)
Memes and Representations of Race: An Analysis of Historical Representations of Welfare
Mia Moody-Ramirez (Free access through 1/31/2024)
Vaccine Hesitancy Counter Memes
Anastasiya Astapova (Free access through 1/31/2024)
Counter Memes and Anti-Legends in Online Welfare Discourse
Tom Mould (Free access through 1/31/2024)