Official journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology
As the official journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology, Ethnomusicology is the premier publication in the field. Its scholarly articles represent current theoretical perspectives and research in ethnomusicology and related fields, while playing a central role in expanding the discipline in the United States and abroad. This journal is intended for a diverse audience including musicologists, anthropologists, folklorists, cultural studies scholars, musicians, and others. Peer-reviewed by the Society’s international membership, Ethnomusicology has been published three times a year since the 1950s.
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Journal Editor
Katherine M. Brucher
School of Music, DePaul University
804 W. Belden Ave.
Chicago, IL 60614
(734) 734-904-6629
Assistant Editor
Abby Rehard
Florida State University
Book Review Co-Editor
Andrew Mall
Northeastern University Department of Music
360 Huntington Ave
351 Ryder
Boston, MA 02115
Note: Send books for review to Andrew Mall
Book Review Co-Editor
Sarah Morelli
University of Denver
Newman Performing Arts Center
2344 East Iliff Ave
Denver, CO 80208
Recording Review Editor
Morgan Luker
Department of Music, Reed College
Performing Arts Building 143
3203 SE Woodstock Blvd.
Portland, OR 97202
Film, Video, and Multimedia Review Editor
Jennie Gubner
Fred Fox School of Music
University of Arizona
1017 N Olive Rd #109, Tucson, AZ 85719
Editorial Board
- Aaron Allen
- Jessica Bissett Perea
- Deonte Harris
- Travis Jackson
- Damascus Kafumbe
- Siv B. Lie
- Katherine Meizel
- Junko Oba
- Cathy Ragland
- Matthew Rahaim
- Fernando Rios
- Deborah Wong
PDF Policy
In an effort to increase access to the scholarship of its members and colleagues, the Society for Ethnomusicology has established the following policy regarding authors’ deposit of their Ethnomusicology contributions (articles, reviews, notes, etc.) in personal websites and non-commercial repositories.
These definitions are based on those on the SHERPA/RoMEO website (https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/).
This policy applies to pre-prints, post-prints, and the publisher’s version.
A pre-print is a work-in-progress contribution not yet accepted, or perhaps even submitted, to Ethnomusicology.
A post-print is the version of a contribution after peer review and acceptance by Ethnomusicology, with revisions completed.
The publisher’s version is the PDF file of a contribution as it appears in Ethnomusicology.
Author may post pre-print or post-print on a personal website, until 12 months after the publisher’s version appears in Ethnomusicology.
Author may deposit publisher’s version (PDF file) in a non-commercial repository 12 months after its publication in Ethnomusicology.
Author deposit of publisher’s version must include a link to the article in JSTOR.
Example: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5406/ethnomusicology.58.2.0185
Author must remove pre-print and post-print after depositing publisher’s version.
Ethnomusicology is an international, peer-reviewed journal published three times a year by the University of Illinois Press on behalf of the Society for Ethnomusicology. It features scholarly articles representing theoretical perspectives and research in ethnomusicology and related fields, as well as book, sound recording, film, video, and multimedia reviews.
Manuscript Submission
Article manuscripts should be submitted through the platform Scholastica. Authors will need to make a free author account when they submit their articles if they are using Scholastica for the first time.
Multiple-authored submissions are welcome as long as contributors meet authorship requirements, and all authors are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Authors Responsibilities section of the Ethics Statement for University of Illinois Press Journals. Inquiries about the journal should be submitted to the Editor, Katherine Brucher (DePaul University), at ethnomusicologyeditor@gmail.com.
1. Please submit an electronic copy of all material related to the article through the Ethnomusicology submission form on Scholastica. You will need to prepare an article of 8,000 to 10,000words (including notes and references), an abstract of no more than 250 words, three to five keywords, any supporting files such as figures, musical examples, audio, video, and a brief bio of no more than 100 words. Please do not send PDFs. Each file should be smaller than 1 MB.
2. Authors must obtain in writing all permissions for the publication of material under copyright and provide a copy of the permissions file when the manuscript is initially submitted for consideration. Authors hold the editor and the Society for Ethnomusicology harmless against copyright claims.
3. Manuscripts submitted to Ethnomusicology should not have been published elsewhere--including in electronic form, other than on personal web pages--nor should they simultaneously be under review or scheduled for publication in another journal or in a book. Further, if an author submits a paper to Ethnomusicology that is based on material closely related to that in other published or submitted papers or books, the author should explain the relationships among them, in a cover letter to the editor.
4. The article manuscript must be submitted as a MS word file (.doc or .docx). It should be double-spaced(including endnotes, quotations, song texts, references cited, indented material, and captions for illustrations) in Times New Roman 12-pt font. Copies using single line or one and a half line spacing are not acceptable. Leave 11/2” margins on all sides with only the left-hand margin justified.
5. Accepted file formats for figures(drawings, graphs, photographs, maps) and musical examples are JPG, TIFF, or GIF. Tables should be submitted as MS word files. Higher resolution images may be requested upon acceptance for publication, in which case it must be of sufficient quality to permit direct reproduction. If submitting hard copies of any illustrations, please do not submit original artwork for review; submit copies. Original artwork may be requested upon acceptance for publication.
6. Authors may submit audio and/or audio/visual examples to accompany their article if selected for publication. The University of Illinois Press participates in the Scholarly Publishing Collective which allows embedded audio and audio-visual examples. Video file formats acceptable to the online platform are mpeg, mpg, and mov. Acceptable audio files formats are mp3 or mp4. You must have permissions for audio and video files to include them in your article (see item 2 above). The print copy of the journal will indicate how readers may access audio/visual examples online.
7. All illustrations, audio, and/or video recordings should be labeled and numbered consecutively. The journal uses the following labels: “Table,” for tables, “Music Example,” for musical example, and “Figure,” for everything else, including photographs, maps, diagrams, line art, etc. Audio and/or video submissions should also be labeled and numbered consecutively (Audio Example 1, Video Example 1, etc). Captions should be sent as a separate document, and a callout, i.e., <Figure One About Here>,should indicate clearly where in the text the illustration, audio, and/or video should go.
8. Citations are carried within the text, as in (Rhodes 1955, 262). References should be typed double spaced at the end of the article, alphabetically by author and chronologically for each author (most recent, first). A recent issue of Ethnomusicology or Fig. 15.1, p.788, of the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017) will serve as a model. SEM style differs from the Chicago Manual example in the use of US postal codes for state abbreviations, and in the placement of page numbers for edited collections after the editor's name, preceded by a comma, and with no “pp.”
9. Acknowledgments are to be presented in a separate paragraph, thus labeled, at the end of the text, preceding endnotes. These should be included only after an article is accepted for publication. (See item Peer Review and Manuscript Processing, item 3.) Authors whose articles are accepted for publication are encouraged to include their email addresses in the Acknowledgements.
10. Manuscripts must be in English and observe United States conventions of usage, spelling, and punctuation. If an article is accepted for publication, authors are encouraged to include a copy of their abstract in the languages of the cultural informants consulted for the work, so, if they, or others, do not read English, they will have an opportunity to learn what is in the article. This journal maintains the principles of gender-neutral discourse, and the editors thus request authors and reviewers to adhere to these practices. A set of guidelines developed by the Society for Music Theory (SMT) has been adopted by the Society for Ethnomusicology and is posted on the SEM web site under “Use of Non-Sexist Language in SEM Publications.”
Book, Sound, Film, and Multimodal Media Reviews
Book, sound, film, and multimodal reviews ordinarily are solicited by the respective review editors, from whom authors will receive instructions. Review authors should try to work endnotes into the body of the review and limit references cited. Authors should submit reviews as electronic copies (.doc or .docx files) to the appropriate review editor. If you have questions about how to submit an item for review or are interested inwriting a review for the journal, please contact the review editors.
Manuscript Processing and Peer Review
1. A manuscript is read first by the editor, who determines if it is of sufficient interest to proceed further. If not, the editor notifies the author that this is the case.
2. Ethnomusicology uses a double-blind peer review process. Reviewers do not know who the authors are, and the authors do not know who the reviewers are. Authors of articles may suggest names of appropriate(and inappropriate) referees. If the editor judges a manuscript to be of sufficient interest, it is sent to at least two reviewers, with additional reviewers as necessary, who send written evaluations and recommendations, sometimes with suggestions for revision, to the editor. The journal’s editorial board members may be invited to review an article if they have expertise in the topic area. Editorial board members also follow the double-blind peer review process and receive an anonymized copy of manuscripts for review. Once the editor receives the reviewers’ reports, the editor may reject the manuscript, delay a decision while encouraging revisions, or accept it substantially as is. Ordinarily, the editor will forward the referees’ anonymous evaluations along with their decisions. Requests by authors or reviewers to have their names revealed to the other party will, of course, be honored. The editor makes final editorial decisions for the journal.
3. Authors have the responsibility for removing information that might reveal their identity to reviewers and may choose to omit or abbreviate acknowledgements or notes that contain personal information such as the names of advisors, institutions, or spouses/partners.(If the article is accepted for publication, this information can be reinserted.) Authors should refrain from including their bio or their name(s)in any headers or footers.
4. The review process is generally completed within six months. Authors will be notified if there is a delay.
5. Articles and reviews are accepted for publication subject to editing for style. Authors of articles will have an opportunity to make final changes after copyediting and to correct printer's errors in page proofs.
6. Authors of articles will receive up to three copies of the journal free of charge; authors of reviews will receive one copy. Authors will also receive a PDF file of their article or review.
For authorization to photocopy from Ethnomusicology for uses exceeding those permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law, contact the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. The CCC code for Ethnomusicology is 0014-1836. The CCC will send an invoice for permissions fees. Permissions given above do not extend to copying for advertising or promotional purposes or to creating new collective works.
For permission to reprint or translate material from Ethnomusicology, please contact Alan Burdette, Executive Director, Society for Ethnomusicology, Indiana University, 800 E. 3rd St., Bloomington, IN 47405. Email: semexec@indiana.edu.
Featured Articles
From the Editor
Frank Gunderson
Whale Calling
Gavin Steingo
Walking as Fieldwork Method in Ethnomusicology
Ama Oforiwaa Aduonum
“Out of Time” and “Out of Tune”: Reflections of an Oud Apprentice in Somaliland
Christina J. Woolner
Arching over the Atlantic: Exploring Links between Brazilian and Angolan Musical Bows
Juan Diego Diaz, Matthias Röhrig Assunção and Gregory Beyer
Music under the Ground: Ethnomusicological Research on the Ground-Bow in Africa
Jennifer Kyker
A Humble Blind Singer's Autobiographical Song: Oral Creation Facing a Hong Kong Teahouse Audience
Bell Yung
More than Gold: Embodying the Human Cost of Mining in Maroon Popular Music
Corinna Campbell
Recitations on the Threshold: The Ethics and Virtue Affects of Pakistani Shiʿi Qaṣīda
Timothy P. A. Cooper
“Now We're Actually Playing Music”: Sones and Parental Transformation in Mexican Chicago
Joseph Maurer
Teaching Talent: Beginning and/as Method in Two American Violin Studios
Lindsay Wright
Government-Mandated Coolness: Education Policy, the Koto, and Music Teacher Retraining in Japan
Garrett Groesbeck
The Hidden Music of a Hidden People: The Case of Amakhuwa of Northern Mozambique
Luca Bussotti; Laura António Nhaueleque
Rímur in the Nuclear Age: Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson and Icelandic Traditional Music
Kimberly Cannady
Ugly Publics
Nadia Chana
On Survival
Philip V. Bohlman
“The Leaves of Our Flag Surrounding the World”: Barbara B. Smith and the Sovereign Voices of a Pacific Trust Territory, 1958–1964
Brian Diettrich
“The War Songs Continue ’til They Find Peace”: Music and the Politics of Death on the Ethio-South Sudanese Border
Sarah J. Bishop
“We Should Be Louder”: Rastafari, Amplified Spirituality, and Spacemaking in Shashemene, Ethiopia
David Aarons
Mizrahi Rap in Israel: Ethnicity and Intertextuality in the Cosmopolitan Post-Genre Era
Uri Dorchin; Miranda Crowdus
On the Decolonial Otherwise of Translation: Alexander J. Ellis, Mário de Andrade, and the Contingency of Form
Michael Iyanaga
The Scholarly Ustad: Hindustani Music's Muslim Hereditary Professionals and Their Textual Traditions
Max Katz
From Clave Ethnotheory to Clave Theories: A Path Toward Decolonizing Musical Analysis
Juan Diego Díaz
Singers’ Realizations of Linguistic Tone in Chaozhou Song
Xi Zhang; Ian Cross
Music, Shared Histories, and Futures in Toyama City, Japan: Owara Kaze no Bon and Celebrating a New Tram Connection in the Early Pandemic
W. Donnie Scally
Sounding Modern-nite: Tabaski in Senegal and the Sonic Production of the Human
Margaret Lynn Rowley
The Musicolonial Politics of the Category of Man: The Case of Suriname
Marek Susdorf
Praise Singing, Proxemics, and the Feelingful Iconization of State Relations in Omani ‘Āzī
Bradford Garvey
Sound, Gentrification, and Ephethereal Justice
Allie Martin
When Silence Is Heard: Embodied Listening in Medical Facilities’ Competing Sonic Epistemes
Ailsa Lipscombe
“Some Rooms Make You Whisper”: The Art of Isolation and the Racial Politics of Quiet in a Concert Hall Built for Jazz
Tom Wetmore
Encountering Publicness and Multiculture: Public Pedagogy with a Multilingual Community Choir
Samantha Sebastian Dieckmann